Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mia Faith - 11 to 12 months

6/10/2011  -  7/10/2011

Wow, I can't believe I'm ONE!  I'm officially a 1 year old!!! No longer a baby---a TODDLER.  This is great!!!

I'm officially walking!!!  Nothing can hold me back now!  My big sister Lila is so proud of me.  Whenever I stand up she runs to mommy and says: "mamame, look! Mia is walking!"  I think she'll be sorry soon because I can be a big pain in the neck.  If I could bother her and mess up her toys while crawling, imagine the mess I can do now that I'm walking!

I can be extremely dramatic. When I want something and get a "no" I put my head over my arm and cry. When Lila takes something away from me, I put my hands over my face and cry.

I'm having loads of fun now.  I love playing "I'm going to catch you", especially when I'm doing something mischivous.  Mommy looks at me and I just take off "running away" and I love it when she chases me.  I also love playing hide-and-seek.  I especially like hiding under the covers in Lila's bed.  I'm not a great "hider" yet because I keep giggling non-stop. (giggles)  When I get really excited I scream... really, I let out these very sharp screams.  Mommy calls me Mariah Carey!

Here are some other facts about me:
I eat like crazy.  Sometimes daddy gets worried that I'm eating too much but I just can't help myself. 
I'm very funny!  I can dance Lila's piece from her ballet recital and I make the funniest faces especially when I'm caught doing something wrong. 
I'm somewhat organized.  I love putting things away, even if it means putting it in the wrong place. 
I'm terrified of talking dolls...can't stand them, no matter how cute you try to convince me they are.
I am extremely sweet!  I love giving mommy, daddy and Lila kisses and leaning my head against their faces.

My vocabulary is as follows:
  • MAMA: obviously, this is my "mamae"
  • DADA: this is for "daddy"
  • IA-IA: this is for "Lila"
  • DEDE: I say this when I want something to drink
  • NENE: this is for "nenem" which is "baby" in Portuguese
  • FOFO: this is for "vovo" (my nana)
  • NANA: this means banana
  • PAPA: this means food
  • A-O: this is for "hello"
  • AIII: I say this in a very dramatic way when I get hurt
  • HA: this is for hi
  • BA: this is for bye
  • NA: this is for "no" (and I shake my head while saying it)
  • MM: this is for "um" which means "one" in Portuguese. I say it when I'm asked how old I'll be soon and I hold one finger up, too!
  • DODO: this means "tudo" which is "everything" in Portuguese. My dad says "daddy loves you..." and I say "dodo!!!"
So, this first year has been awesome and I know my second year will be even more fun!  I can feel it!!! :-)

weight: 19.14 lbs
height:  29.75 inches

walking: 7/1/2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Mia Faith - 10 to 11 months

5/10/2011  -  6/10/2011

Hi everyone!  What a fun month this has been!  I've been doing lots of new things, saying new words and even took a couple of steps but haven't done more than that -- yet!

I'm dancing a lot, and clapping a lot... I actually clap whenever Lila finishes singing a song.  I feel she likes the audience. :-)  I can also say "hi" while waving.  I also say "hello" while holding a pretend phone to my ear and I also say "bye" while waving.  I actually do that every time I have to go to sleep: wave and say "bye" to everyone.  I'm just polite like that.

I'm extremely funny...even more so lately.  What can I say? I'm an entertainer!  Not to toot my own horn but I'm looking prettier every day, especially now that my middle top teeth started to grow.  I kind of looked like a bat before.  Let me explain:  I got my 2 center bottom teeth first.  Then, instead of the normal 2 center top teeth, I got the ones beside those so I had that big gap in the front and a weirdly-funny "vampire" look.  Not anymore though.  (sigh of relief!)

I can give my mommy a hard time too.  I'm extremely emotional all the time!  Whenever I get mad, I bang my head on the floor... Also, if I'm trying to go somewhere I shouldn't go (like under the dining table so I can play with the plugs) and if you stand in front of me blocking my way, I will try to bite your leg.  Just warning you.

So to sum up, I'm in that love-hate phase...but I feel I'm more "love" than "hate"!  I make up for my mischievousness by caressing mommy's face and giving her big, sloppy, wet kisses and very cuddly hugs.  Yeah, I'm pretty irresistible!  Take a look!

weight: 19.1 lbs
height: 29.25 inches

taking one or two steps: 5/30/2011

Friday, July 1, 2011

Lila goes to school!

Lila's first school experience:

Since we are moving, we started looking for schools for Lila.  We found one that interested us and scheduled a tour.  It was impossible to imagine her attending school because we couldn't even get her to get dressed to tour the school that morning without a meltdown.  When we got to the school she started crying, got all clingy and wanted to be held all the time.  After about 15 minutes the school director offered some goldfish and water, so Lila sat down to enjoy her treat.  Just then, the kids who were attending the first day of summer camp started coming in from the playground and everyone sat down and started doing crafts.  Lila just got up from her little chair and asked to join the kids.  She sat with them, started coloring and chatting, as if they were all her best friends. :-)

Seeing that she was enjoying it and in an attempt to get her used to the school teachers and students, we registered her for camp.  When morning came, she was excited to get ready for her very first day of "school" and I asked her to grab her backpack.  She said "mamae, here you go. I have to take the grapes out."  Little did I know, the grapes that were supposed to be her after dinner snack ended up inside her backpack.  I was glad she told me though. Imagine the impression the teachers would have of me if I sent her with a backpack filled with rotting grapes.

She was so perky and happy to be going to school.  I took her inside and she just said "you sit right here (pointing to a bench outside the classroom)".  So I snuck out and after 3 hours went back to pick her up.  She was FINE.  The teachers said she cried a little bit asking for me but quickly calmed down.  I was skeptical that she wouldn't want to attend the next day but instead, she kept rushing me saying we were going to be late.  That day she didn't even look back.  Just went in and waved bye.  Every day when I went to pick her up she would proudly open her backpack and show me all the work she had done that day.  She would only talk about school all day long and loved every minute of it.  My big girl...I'm so proud of her.  And so that's how it was for the rest of summer camp and 'til this day she says she misses it.  Hard to explain she'll be back in a few months.  Little did I know this experience taught her confidence and now she enjoys staying in Bible class at church.  Thank GOD!

Lila's school art!

Ready for school!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mia Faith - 9 to 10 months

4/10/2011 - 5/10/2011

This is a "mommy" post, not a "Mia" post.

Mia has been up to so much lately.  It's as if someone flipped a switch and now she's able to move around with more confidence.  She's been babbling "mama" and "papa" or "dada" all day long.  The other day I heard Lila saying:  "Mia, say LILA...say LI-LA".  It was pretty funny...even funnier when Mia kept saying "TA-TA".  I believe that's her way of calling her sister.

Lila is still the most caring big sister.  I do feel bad for her sometimes because Mia takes pleasure in messing up with her toys.  I have to say I have the worst personality combination when it comes to siblings.  One is fresh and the other likes to tease.  So Lila is a perfectionist.  Mia, because of her curiosity is somewhat an "annoyer".  Lila will build towers and set her dolls in her dollhouse in the pattern she believes to be perfect and Mia (who is now also known as "Mia-zilla" as in Godzilla) will crawl up to Lila's projects and destroy everything.  Of course Lila feels hurt, cries and whines while Mia looks at her with the biggest grin on her face.  Go figure.

Mia has a temper.  Yes, that's right.  If she wants to do something and for some reason can't, she'll throw a tantrum.  She'll stomp, grunt and even hit out of frustration.  It can get pretty intense.  On the other hand, she's constantly smiling and giggling...and she's the cuddliest baby ever.  She's very outgoing, although she may act shy sometimes.  She recently learned how to clap and dances whenever a familiar song plays.  She is so smart and copies everything Lila does.  Last week I caught her writing on the wall with chalk!   Mia's most recent adorable habit is a funny face she makes when she's trying to "seduce" us into picking her up or doing something she wants.  She looks at us and gives us the biggest smile but sort of closes her eyes in a funny way.  It's irresistible!!!

Mia has a total of 4 teeth now.  First she got her 2 bottom, middle teeth.  Now she also got 2 teeth on the top but they're not on the center, they're the ones next to the two center teeth so she looks very funny.  She also understands when we ask her to give us "um carinho" and so she softly caresses our face.  She also likes to play "peekaboo" by covering our eyes with her hands.

Time is going by so fast we can hardly believe she'll turn 1 in a couple of months. Wasn't it just yesterday she was the mystery baby in my belly???  :-)

Here are a couple of pictures!

weight: 17.6 lbs
height: 28.25 inches

pulling herself up: 4/11/2011
crawling on all fours: 4/24/2011
cruising: 4/26/2011
clapping: 5/1/2011
blowing kisses: 5/7/2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mia Faith - 8 to 9 months

3/10/2011 - 4/10/2011


I've been up to lots lately!

I sort of know how to play dolls. After watching Lila do it I just learned it.  I can also brush my own hair and I like to clean things with wipes.  Give me a wipe or piece of paper towel and I'll scrub all over the house.  I try to put on my own clothes, I like to try to feed myself with a spoon and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE eating.  I'm eating pretty much EVERYTHING now. It's actually frightening to see how much I can eat!

This month's highlight (at least for my mom) is that I can say MAMA!  I've been saying it whenever I'm tired or if I'm stuck somewhere I probably shouldn't have gone in the first place.  Whenever I get hurt too... In other words, whenever I need to be rescued I call my MAMA.

I've also learned how to give big wet kisses and I can groove some moves now too!  I don't mean to toot my own horn but I'm getting cuter by the second!  Check me out...

weight: 16.9 lbs
height: 27.25 inches

first word: "MAMA" 3/11/2011
kissing: 3/14/2011
position herself on hands and knees: 3/23/2011
dancing: 4/8/2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


No matter how hard I try, I can't find the right words to describe what Lila's second year has been like.  Aguilar and I have never, ever experienced such joy and laughter.  Since Lila was born, that's all we've experienced. 

Lila is an entertainer!  She sings, dances, jokes...  She loves coloring, drawing, sculpting with play-doh, playing with stickers.  Lately, she is loving pretend play.  She's so funny!  She opens the fridge and pretends her Danimals yogurt are there's the mommy, the daddy, the girl and the baby sister.  It goes a little something like this: "Hi mommy! Oh, hi daddy!  (then she makes a fake crying sound) Mommy, I made a boo-boo! Oh baby, (kissing sound) boo-boo is much better!"  It's hilarious!

Lila is the best big sister in the world.  She is caring, she is attentive, patient, loving, playful, and incredibly sweet.  Whenever Mia cries she immediately tends to her, gives her toys, kisses, tickles...whatever causes Mia to stop crying. 

Lila is helpful.  She gets diapers for Mia if necessary.  She tries hard to be calm when the house is "upside down", which keeps me calm.  She plays independently which is awesome.  Like I've said before, she entertains Mia when she's fussy.  She's extremely obedient, believe it or not.  If I tell her NO or WAIT she may not like it but she makes her peace with it.

Lila is sweet.  She can't stand to see us sad.  She hugs and kisses us, and keeps asking us "are you much better?" or "are you happy now?".  She loves cuddling, loves being held, loves to be caressed by Mia.  Being funny is very important to her.  You want to break her heart you tell her she's not funny. She'll cry and say "Lila IS funny!" until you tell her that she is, indeed, funny.

Lila's favorite things lately: 
TV shows:  Pocoyo, Olivia, Peppa Pig and VeggieTales.
Books:  Pinkalicious, Fancy Nancy and the Bible.

Lila still doesn't have a favorite color.  Yes, she does say "pink" for lots of things but she's not settled on one color just yet.  I know this because at ballet class she always picks a different color for her pretend bike or pet when it's time to use her imagination.  Also, she loves doing her nails but never asks for the same color.  She likes purple with pink polka-dots, or red with white polka-dots, or even "french manicure".  I have to say, I LOVE THIS about her because I can have things go my way a lot of the time.  She's somewhat flexible.  :-)

Finally, Lila is now toilet-trained.  Considering we've been trying since 18 months old, she took a long time, but when she was finally ready to let go of diapers it only took 3 days (exactly March 10).  We invested in 3 different potties.  The one that finally worked was the musical one.  Rewards that worked for us were balloons.  I seriously feel that it had nothing to do with the potty and even though the rewards helped the key thing was Lila being ready.  She's very proud of it!!!

It was such a great day!!!  She said WOW when she saw her present (a big doll house) but was really in awe when she opened Mia's gift to her (crayola gel paint).  Her gratefulness touched us...she couldn't stop saying "this is for me, Mia? Thank you so much!!!"  Later, we went shopping for a fish.  That was one of Vovó Mê's presents.  So she picked a red fish and pink floral bowl decor.  After hours of asking her what she was going to call the fish, she finally came up with "Well" or something that sounds like that (I actually think she calls the fish a WHALE).  After getting balloons we went home to bake cupcakes.  Her cousins came over and she played a lot!  We sang Happy Birthday and she had her moment to blow out candles...then Vovó Mê came over and we did it all over again.  Of course, she refused to go to bed but was too tired to put up a fight.

Lila never ceases to surprise me with the things she says. She spilled oil all over the kitchen counter as we were making the cupcake batter.  I had walked away for a minute and told her not to touch anything until I came back, but she wanted to use the measuring cups and poured almost the entire container of oil inside the 1/4 measuring cup.  It went everywhere...under the microwave, mixer, coffee maker... and I had just finished cleaning the kitchen.  Needless to say I was really upset.  I showed her the mess she made, told her to go to the living room and told her how upset I was she didn't obey me.  She played quietly while I cleaned up her mess.  When I was done I asked her if she still wanted to help me make the cupcakes and her face lit up.  She ran to the kitchen, gave me the biggest hug and said "YOU FORGAVE ME!!! I'm sorry mamae! I'm sooooo happy, mamae, you forgave me!" I get teary-eyed every time I remember the purity of her joy when she realized she had been forgiven.  Why don't I have this same reaction every single day towards God?  No wonder the Bible says we have to become like children to enter the Kingdom.

Needless to say, our lives have been more joyful since Lila became a part of it.  Everyday there's a reason to laugh, and to be thankful.  She reminds us of the little things that really matter.  We are so grateful for the experience of being Lila's parents.  God is awesome.


Lila's stats at 36 months:  she weighs 30 lbs and is 38 inches tall.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mia Faith - 7 to 8 months

2/10/2011 - 3/10/2011


This has been a very rough month in the health department.  Mommy and Lila were very sick with the flu and then, just when they started feeling better, I GOT SICK.  I had a very high fever, didn't sleep a wink for a whole night.  We ended up going to the emergency room and I had ear infection and a very terrible cold.  We are all better now, thankfully!

I celebrated my first LOVE day.  Mommy let me watch as my big sister Lila helped make cupcakes.  I didn't have any cupcakes this time ... I had one when I turned 6 mommy's gift to me! On the other hand, I've been experiencing lots of love from mommy, daddy and my big sister.  I am enjoying my Nana a lot more now, too... She's a lot of fun! :-)

A couple of weeks ago I started getting crummy because my tooth was coming out.  You should have seen how happy mommy was when she saw my first tooth.  You'd think she won the lottery...or in the very least, you'd think my first tooth was a gold tooth.  (giggles...)

Nope, I'm not crawling yet.  Mommy thinks I'm just plain lazy...but really, why crawl when I can go anywhere I want to go by rolling/spinning/scooting?  I can pretty much army-crawl anywhere (that means dragging myself).  Mommy says she has mixed feelings about me crawling.  On the one hand, she wants me to crawl so I can entertain myself for longer periods of time (probably by following Lila around).  Then she says she is happy with me not crawling because she feels I may make her job a little harder by going places I shouldn't go.

Last month I discovered my big voice.  This month I have mastered my big voice.  If only American Idol would lower their minimum age requirement... sigh!!!  I think people think it's sort of annoying, especially because I can tell I startle a lot of people with my high notes. Oh well...

See you in a little while, hopefully, with more exciting news.  :-)

weight: 15.14 lbs
height:  26.5 inches

first tooth: 3/5/2011
army-crawl: 3/8/2011

Mia Faith - 6 to 7 months

1/10/2011 - 2/10/2011

Hey everyone!

I'm a half-year old!

This has been another exciting month for me.  I've mastered the skill of sitting without support and I roll around the floor and wiggle and scoot to get places.  You wouldn't believe the amount of fun things people leave on the floor... Thank God I have a big sister who isn't as neat as mommy would like her to be. :-)

I absolutely LOVE to play with my big sister Lila, who also loves playing with me.  She is always so careful not to hurt me and whenever I cry she says "Mia, Lila is here..." as she tries to cheer me up.

Now I have a set schedule so I sleep all night plus 2 long naps during the mommy and daddy couldn't be happier.  I've also been trying lots of different yummy foods.  Curiosity is a huge thing for me so I'm grabbing anything and everything and "tasting" it to find out what it is.  Well, you know, a baby's mouth is not really considered a mouth.  It's considered the EYE, and it's the center of the world for me. 
I've been losing weight, which drives my mommy insane since she is trying and can't...and in the meantime, all I do is repeat a cycle of eat-sleep-cry-poop and still manage to shed some baby fat!  Maybe she should try that diet.  Ha!!!

Be back in a little while with more updates!  Toodles!

How can I not love my big sis?!
My first snow!

weight: 15.3 lbs
height:  26.25 inches

I can hold my sippy cup! 1/13/2011

Mia Faith - 5 to 6 months

12/10/2010 - 1/10/2011

Happy New Year!!!

This year is THE year for me!  Lots of exciting stuff will happen, I just know it!

I've been having so much fun! I love my big sister so that I'm taking a bath with her, she is the one who actually washes my hands, my feet and she loves it when I splash water all over her!  I try to hold her feet, which she says it "tickles" her but she lets me do it anyway.  She shares her toys with me.  She's so sweet that, even though she will occasionally want to play with something I'm already playing with, she'll give me something else to play with so I'll get distracted. That's how she makes "the switch".

This month I had my first plane ride!  We went to Florida for the holidays and I had tons of fun with my cousins.  Sure I gave mommy and daddy a hard time by waking up way too many times during the night but I made up for it with smiles.  I learned to sit without support and now I really go places when I roll around on the floor.

So, that's what I have to report this month.  See you soon!

weight: 14.6 lbs
height:  26 inches

sitting without support:  12/30/2010

About Me

My photo
United States
After almost two years of trying to conceive and two miscarriages, we finally got our miracle on 4/06/08 - our beautiful baby girl, Lila Grace, was born. Our lives are so full of joy because of her. Little did we know that without any medical involvement, God had a huge surprise in store for us and we had a positive pregnancy test on October 28, 2009. We couldn't be happier! We could not imagine going through all we went through without God's guidance, comfort and His amazing love. We are forever thankful for His grace poured over us and how he fulfilled our dream of becoming parents. We can hardly wait to hold our newest baby in our arms!