Monday, May 9, 2011

Mia Faith - 8 to 9 months

3/10/2011 - 4/10/2011


I've been up to lots lately!

I sort of know how to play dolls. After watching Lila do it I just learned it.  I can also brush my own hair and I like to clean things with wipes.  Give me a wipe or piece of paper towel and I'll scrub all over the house.  I try to put on my own clothes, I like to try to feed myself with a spoon and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE eating.  I'm eating pretty much EVERYTHING now. It's actually frightening to see how much I can eat!

This month's highlight (at least for my mom) is that I can say MAMA!  I've been saying it whenever I'm tired or if I'm stuck somewhere I probably shouldn't have gone in the first place.  Whenever I get hurt too... In other words, whenever I need to be rescued I call my MAMA.

I've also learned how to give big wet kisses and I can groove some moves now too!  I don't mean to toot my own horn but I'm getting cuter by the second!  Check me out...

weight: 16.9 lbs
height: 27.25 inches

first word: "MAMA" 3/11/2011
kissing: 3/14/2011
position herself on hands and knees: 3/23/2011
dancing: 4/8/2011

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About Me

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United States
After almost two years of trying to conceive and two miscarriages, we finally got our miracle on 4/06/08 - our beautiful baby girl, Lila Grace, was born. Our lives are so full of joy because of her. Little did we know that without any medical involvement, God had a huge surprise in store for us and we had a positive pregnancy test on October 28, 2009. We couldn't be happier! We could not imagine going through all we went through without God's guidance, comfort and His amazing love. We are forever thankful for His grace poured over us and how he fulfilled our dream of becoming parents. We can hardly wait to hold our newest baby in our arms!