Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mia Faith - 11 to 12 months

6/10/2011  -  7/10/2011

Wow, I can't believe I'm ONE!  I'm officially a 1 year old!!! No longer a baby---a TODDLER.  This is great!!!

I'm officially walking!!!  Nothing can hold me back now!  My big sister Lila is so proud of me.  Whenever I stand up she runs to mommy and says: "mamame, look! Mia is walking!"  I think she'll be sorry soon because I can be a big pain in the neck.  If I could bother her and mess up her toys while crawling, imagine the mess I can do now that I'm walking!

I can be extremely dramatic. When I want something and get a "no" I put my head over my arm and cry. When Lila takes something away from me, I put my hands over my face and cry.

I'm having loads of fun now.  I love playing "I'm going to catch you", especially when I'm doing something mischivous.  Mommy looks at me and I just take off "running away" and I love it when she chases me.  I also love playing hide-and-seek.  I especially like hiding under the covers in Lila's bed.  I'm not a great "hider" yet because I keep giggling non-stop. (giggles)  When I get really excited I scream... really, I let out these very sharp screams.  Mommy calls me Mariah Carey!

Here are some other facts about me:
I eat like crazy.  Sometimes daddy gets worried that I'm eating too much but I just can't help myself. 
I'm very funny!  I can dance Lila's piece from her ballet recital and I make the funniest faces especially when I'm caught doing something wrong. 
I'm somewhat organized.  I love putting things away, even if it means putting it in the wrong place. 
I'm terrified of talking dolls...can't stand them, no matter how cute you try to convince me they are.
I am extremely sweet!  I love giving mommy, daddy and Lila kisses and leaning my head against their faces.

My vocabulary is as follows:
  • MAMA: obviously, this is my "mamae"
  • DADA: this is for "daddy"
  • IA-IA: this is for "Lila"
  • DEDE: I say this when I want something to drink
  • NENE: this is for "nenem" which is "baby" in Portuguese
  • FOFO: this is for "vovo" (my nana)
  • NANA: this means banana
  • PAPA: this means food
  • A-O: this is for "hello"
  • AIII: I say this in a very dramatic way when I get hurt
  • HA: this is for hi
  • BA: this is for bye
  • NA: this is for "no" (and I shake my head while saying it)
  • MM: this is for "um" which means "one" in Portuguese. I say it when I'm asked how old I'll be soon and I hold one finger up, too!
  • DODO: this means "tudo" which is "everything" in Portuguese. My dad says "daddy loves you..." and I say "dodo!!!"
So, this first year has been awesome and I know my second year will be even more fun!  I can feel it!!! :-)

weight: 19.14 lbs
height:  29.75 inches

walking: 7/1/2011

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About Me

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United States
After almost two years of trying to conceive and two miscarriages, we finally got our miracle on 4/06/08 - our beautiful baby girl, Lila Grace, was born. Our lives are so full of joy because of her. Little did we know that without any medical involvement, God had a huge surprise in store for us and we had a positive pregnancy test on October 28, 2009. We couldn't be happier! We could not imagine going through all we went through without God's guidance, comfort and His amazing love. We are forever thankful for His grace poured over us and how he fulfilled our dream of becoming parents. We can hardly wait to hold our newest baby in our arms!